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A choice between two dynasties?

Twinkling with Ninfa R. Leonardia

Well, well! Now it is only one dynasty we can expect to confront. In the next elections,  there may be two.  That is, if Inday Sara, the  daughter  of President  Duterte, takes  the bait and bearkens to the calls for her to run, after her father’s term is over. It is no secret that President Digong has been hinting at being fed  up with his present job, and since his daughter  has also taken  over his former job in Davao, who would say that she is not capable, or he is not willing to hand it over to her?


At least Pinoys can say that neither father nor daughter has been accused of any malpractices, or graft during their terms in office. But there seems to be a stumbling block, and that is the ambition of another presidential heir, the son  of the late  – I will not say “unlamented” – President Marcos who will always be known in Philippines   and even world history as the author of Martial Law in our country. Not only is he remembered for declaring Martial Law, but also for what is also remembered as the “Conjugal Dictatorship”. So what is our choice?


Long, long ago, when I was still a student, the president was Elpidio Quirino who was greatly criticized for his alleged profligacy that focused on a majestic bed that he had purchased. The poor fellow was ridiculed and slammed for it by critics who pointed out that he was a widower, anyway, so why the luxurious nest? But that bed led greatly to his defeat in the election to a newcomer, a husky fellow, unknown then in politics, but propped up by a lot of scholars and learned guys, among them Raul Manglapus who, himself, had no inclination to politics then.


It was largely Manglapus and his group who crafted the campaign plan for Ramon Magsaysay that Quirino’s campaigners could not match. They focused on the graft and corruption and the youth to convince the then reluctant candidate. Until now I cannot forget one of those ditties they composed that became so popular, you heard it from every jukebox and record shop. Even little children sang it in their play and the elders were also enchanted by it. It really cooked the goose of President Quirino, who, I think now, was really not as bad as his political foes made him out to be.


To inspire the youth of today never to be indifferent when the time for choosing a new leader comes. I am quoting the words of one of those ditties, which I am sure many adults still remember. It went this way “Everywhere that you would look/ Was a bandit or a crook/ Peace and order was a joke/ Till Magsaysay pumasok/ That is why/ That is why/ You will hear the people cry/ Our democracy  will die/ Kung wala si Magsaysay/” Even  little children loved the song and my little brother Andy, who had a lisp then, could sing it at the top of his voice when asked.


If the campaigners for Sara could match the ingenuity and talents of the Magsaysay campaigners, the presidency would be a shoo-in for her. That is, if she is willing, and her father will not warn against the hazards of the job. But come to think of it, if Sara Duterte does run, and Ferdinand Marcos Jr. a.k.a. “Bongbong”, also does, we will be choosing between two dynasties, wouldn’t we? Maybe we need another “nobody” like Monching Magsaysay to surface!


I don’t know if it is only in our sector but our  TV sets have not  been working  for two days now. We called the repair man but it seems  he cannot  see anything wrong with them. So now we virtually have no contact with the world outside except what we gather from hearsay. I wonder, do machines also get infected by COVID? That could be a silly idea, but who knows? Viruses can infect anything can’t they? Tell me it’s true so I won’t be too desperate about it.


Now I do not know if there is a chance that Donald Trump could get what he wants, that is, to be declared the real winner over Joe Biden who has already been sworn in and has approved relief aid for his people and other mattes. Well, Trump  is not the only loser who cannot accept defeat, so Biden  should have some patience and not let it bother him or affect his administration. Seldom do we hear of a loser who conceded immediately. The one who does may even be considered a rare bird!*


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February 2025

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