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Avoid getting spoiled by God’s love

This is always likely to happen. We tend to be spoiled by God’s love because he is infinitely good and merciful, full of love, ready to forgive us no matter how many times we sin and no matter how ugly the sins are.

When God created us in Adam and Eve, he already knew from all eternity what was going to happen—that we are going to be unfaithful to him. But that did not stop him from creating us. He proceeded to create us and to launch the work of redemption that was going to be costly and bloody.

Try to imagine the immensity of that love when we consider that God himself has to become man and to offer his life on the cross for our salvation. And we are told that he did not come to condemn us but to save. He does not take delight in the death of the wicked. He will do everything to bring us back to him.

Who would not be intoxicated by this kind of love that is lavished on us? It would be very easy to say, I can commit sin anytime since I will be forgiven and saved anyway. I have the assurance for that. All I have to do is to show some signs of repentance.

Well, that’s how it is! We can always get spoiled by God’s tremendous love for us. But if we truly love him from our heart, we would try our best not to commit sin even if we can and be assured of forgiveness. We should be just like God who keeps his love for us in spite of our infidelities.

That, I think, is the best manifestation of love. It’s when we continue to be faithful even if we can be unfaithful and there would be no big problem about that, since God will always be forgiving. It’s when we choose not to be spoiled by God’s love when we have every chance to get spoiled that we can show our true love.

It is this love that is not contented with fulfilling the minimum requirements of love. It goes all the way. It will always be generous and magnanimous. This is the love that truly reflects God’s love.

This is the kind of love that we should all be aiming at. It’s a tall order, alright, but it’s also very possible and practicable. This is the kind of love that Christ has shown us. It’s also the kind of love that was reflected in the life of Our Lady who remained immaculate when she could have every reason to get angry and to hate, considering that her son was executed in the most unjust way.

This kind of love will definitely require grace and an all-out effort on our part. But it is all worthwhile. We should just try our best to develop this kind of love. Every day, we will always have the chance to develop this love, one step at a time. We have to learn to be patient and forgiving, not to be scandalized by the evil and sins around.

We have to learn to handle temptations and the stirrings of our own weaknesses. We have to learn to fill our mind and heart with good thoughts and desires, keeping them so even in the midst of challenges, trials, resistance, etc.*


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February 2025

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