Carlos Hilado Memorial State University partnered with Bureau of Fire Protection 6 Talisay City Fire Station for a seminar entitled “Fire Safety Awareness” on March 27-29 at the university’s Talisay campus.
The seminar was conducted in observance of Fire Prevention Month. Students of the College of Arts and Sciences, College of Education, College of Engineering, and College of Industrial Technology participated in the first two days of the seminar, while security guards and job order and GASS personnel attended on the third day.
In his message, CHMSU Director for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Elmer A. Gumban, PhD emphasized the importance of participating in the seminar because fire safety is a responsibility shared by everyone in the community.
Resource speaker FO1 Kyrle Patrick G. Gilo, Talisay City Fire Station Community Relations Unit Chief, discussed basic knowledge in fire safety, prevention, and control and the importance of knowing E.D.I.T.H. or “Exit Drills In The Home.”
After the lecture, fire officers gave a demonstration and training on how to properly put out a fire using a fire extinguisher.*