The Bureau of Customs Cebu-Subport of Dumaguete, the first Subport to obtain ISO Certification, successfully maintained its ISO-Certified status after breezing through the Surveillance Audit conducted by TüvSüd Management Service recently.
At the end of the Audit, TüvSüd’s Lead Auditor, Xavier Lance Dy, concluded that the Subport has maintained the ISO standards after a year of implementation of quality systems.
The Surveillance Audit is part of the ISO audit process that examines the organization’s operations to ensure they are in keeping with rigorous standards of quality management service. It is conducted every year for three years after which a Recertification Audit will follow to determine whether the organization is qualified for extension of its ISO Certification.
Dumaguete Subport collector Fe Lluelyn Toring thanked BOC Commissioner Rey Leonardo Guerrero, Deputy Commissioner Donato San Juan, the Interim Internal Quality Management System Office (IIIQMSO) led by MGen. Leandro Loyao III, and Port of Cebu Acting District Collector Charlito Martin Mendoza, for their consistent support which inspired the men and women of the subport to strive for continued excellence in the delivery of services to their stakeholders.
Earlier this year, the Subport of Mactan also obtained the same ISO Certification while the District Port’s Customer Care Center is now preparing for the second stage of Internal Quality Audit to prequalify for ISO Certification.
By undertaking third-party certifications of its processes, the Port pursues the highest standards in providing quality customs services that meet customer and regulatory requirements, consistent with the priority programs of the Bureau of Customs under the leadership of Commissioner Guerrero.*PR