The Disaster Risk and Reduction Management Office of EB Magalona in Negros Occidental was placed on lockdown yesterday after two of its staff members tested positive for COVID-19.
In an advisory, EB Magalona LDRRMO chief Eric Empestan said yesterday that the two COVID-19 patients were immediately placed under quarantine at the Tumandok Healing Center as advised by Municipal Health Officer Dr. Edmundo Janeo.
Empestan, however, said that they will still give emergency response referral from their reserved standby team temporarily stationed at the EB Magalona public plaza covered court.
He added that dialysis and medical referrals will also be catered by the Municipal Health Office of EB Magalona.
The offices at the EB Magalona municipal hall were also subjected to decontamination and disinfection from Aug. 17 to 20.They are now back to normal operations.
Mayor Marvin Malacon, who was earlier tested positive for COVID-19, is now recovering, his legal counsel, Ariel Malunes, said.*