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Forget about Prince Charming

Twinkling with Ninfa R. Leonardia

Listen to this, girls. How many of you  are hoping and dreaming of hooking a Prince Charming for your lifetime partner? They say that some women  never found one, so they opted to live a life alone. And whether their choice was for the better or not, nobody has admitted. But until now, we hear people whispering about unmarried girls who they said must have been waiting for a Prince Charming but one never came. If you, the reader, happens to be one of them, don’t be sorry or blame yourself.


You’d believe that if you had followed the story of England’s Prince Harry, who fell in love and married a, well, “commoner”, to his family. The girl, named Meghan Markle was pretty and poised, and their wedding was big news, not only in England, but worldwide. But did it end as in the fairy tales that “…they lived happily ever after”? It seem not at all. In an interview with famed ­­­­syndicated columnist, Oprah Winfrey, the other day, Meghan Markle, now known as the Duchess of Sussex, bared her heart to the media, and must have shocked her royal in-laws.


No other columnist could have gotten all the details than Oprah, a veteran in this writing form. Even Twinkling concedes that (H! Ha!). The wedding that thrilled so many from various countries has apparently skipped the “happily ever” part. And if my conjecture is correct, it must have been caused by the perennial “contravida” – the mother-in-law. Seems Meghan could not adapt to royal ways fast enough, and her husband, the Prince was no help. Probably a Mama’s boy himself.


But Meghan, a liberated woman, bared all her problems to no less than Oprah Winfrey so the whole world learned about her misery. Seems she was prevented from doing things she used to do, and was even locked in her room when her purpose for going out was not approved by Her Majesty. The poor girl was able to pour out her woes to Winfrey, and because her column gets published worldwide, it must have enraged their Majesties! During it, Meghan admitted that she had even thought of committing suicide! Could you imagine a new bride, now a Duchess, married in what was believed to be a love match, and the bride thinking of killing herself?


Now it is Brazil that is reported to have its hospitals and healthcare centers overflooding with COVID patients. So the pandemic is still raging in several countries. I don’t know if mine is just wishful thinking, but I believe that our country, including our cities and provinces are dealing better with this pandemic than some of the wealthiest and biggest ones. Me, I credit that to the prayerfulness of our people and the concern and alertness of our officials, too. I hope those whose government units are being attached by this virus should take a cue from the ones that have, somehow, reduced infections among their people.


Another country, Myanmar, is now under military rule after its army staged a coup d’etat, and took over governance. Protestors against the move continue to march to no avail, because most of them were arrested and detained. How lucky we are that we were able to drive away the dictator who had also attempted to impose Martial Law to perpetuate his rule. And we did it without bloodshed, but by sheer massing of our discontented and enraged populace. I hope that lessons will forever deter any leader with dictatorial tendencies to think long and hard before taking such moves.


But I can’t believe the report that China has a campaign going on for birth control and encouraging couples to take pregnancy prevention pills. If they make that a law, how will the Catholic and other Christian sects respond? Does China now feel it is over-populated? I thought they want to increase their population to become more powerful. But aren’t they afraid that COVID may be enough to depopulate them? The virus came from their country, didn’t it? Probably it was meant only for them until some of those infected travelled to other countries bringing the virus with them.


But the big news yesterday was that the United Nations has accused China of genocide for what happened in the place called Uyghur. I guess that jibes with the earlier reports that China is promoting birth control to reduce its population. But aren’t its people now found in almost all the big countries, making their lives there and doing well in business, as well as in raising their families? Nowadays, it seems the world is not in war, but there does not seem to be understanding and peace among countries. What can we expect of such developments?*


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February 2025

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