The Himamaylan City Government through the CSWDO and the Office of Mayor Raymund Tongson conducted a series of gift-giving activities to celebrate the birthday of senior citizens in the locality, said a press release from Himamaylan PIO.
Among the beneficiaries was Remedios Chavez of Sitio Mambato, who was excited to celebrate her 89th birthday this October 19.
Nanay Remedios shifted her weight leaning on to her trusty umbrella while waiting for her turn to receive a cake and groceries from the Himamaylan City Social Welfare and Development Office at Barangay To-oy.
The umbrella of Nanay Remedios has been with her through thick and thin doubling as a cane and protection from sun and rain. This has rendered her old tool loose on the handle, an accident waiting to happen.
When asked if she had a walking cane, “I do not own a ‘baston’,” she replied.
Upon learning about Nanay Remedios’ story, Tongson together with the CSWDO and Persons With Disability Affairs Office arranged to gift her with her own “baston”.
Upon the request of the mayor, the CSWDO led by Senior Citizen Focal Person Norma Pelayo visited the house of Nanay Remedios to personally hand over the walking cane to the birthday girl as a present.
“Thank you very much Mayor Tongson for giving me this gift, cake and groceries,” said Nanay Remedios.*