I could hardly believe it, but the report cited CNN which I consider a most reliable source of information, so this should calm the minds and hearts of our countrymen. It said that the Philippines has a low fatality rate during this COVID pandemic, and I am very happy to hear that. I believe that it is not only the medication, and not even the delayed vaccination, but the prayerfulness of our people that has spared the majority of our population from this pandemic. But please, let us not be complacent, but continue to observe all the protocols so this record will continue, if not improve.
The good news – for me, at least – of the week is the result of the plebiscite in Palawan that showed the people’s disagreement with the proposal to divide it into three parts: Palawan del Sur, Palawan del Norte and Palawan Oriental. I have gone to a lot of provinces in the country, but I missed Palawan, though I always think of it as a beautiful and exotic island. I am sure the proponents were politicians who wanted more seats for them to hold in the coming elections. I hope the will of the residents prevails.
Another good news is the one saying that senior citizens can now undergo vaccination against the COVID 19. For a while there, I thought the proponents of the “No vaccination for seniors” just wanted to get rid of all the old folks via the COVID, but thankfully, they now have a chance to stay on this planet until the time the Good Lord reserved for them. However, it is not clear yet when this inoculation of seniors will start, so, in the meantime, ye old folks, just be careful and observe all “protocols”.
Holy Week is nearing and that is one religious event that Christians, especially Catholics, look forward to, when they can join the ceremonies their respective parishes observe, and have been observing for maybe, centuries now. But this time, warnings and precautions are out for them to avoid gatherings and observe the event in their own homes. I will surely miss the Church rituals, and especially, the processions on Holy Thursday and Good Friday. Can the Church not devise a manner of holding the rites while observing physical distancing? Both the masses and the processions can be held if these protocols are strictly observed. I am sure I am not the only one who will miss such celebrations this year.
I hear that the popular Baclaran Church is still holding its usual rituals and churchgoers are faithfully observing “social distancing”. Me, I prefer to call it “physical distancing” because the two words have entirely different meanings. Social distancing implies that you will not partake of conversations with your family and friends, while physical distancing only implies that you do not get near enough to avoid possible infection, in case the other person happens to be a carrier.
Oh, Japan is showing itself to be more advanced in the matter of sexes! A recent report from there says that a Japanese court has declared that the ban on same sex marriages is “unconstitutional”! Is Japan leaping ahead of other countries in this regard? The proponents are citing a constitutional phrase that says marriage is legal with the “mutual consent of both sexes”. But the Court threw out the case, citing “emotional damage.” For whom, it was not specified.
If your town or city declares a lockdown, do not protest. As the old folks like to say, “It is for your own good”. An international news report says that, of all the countries polled, 84 percent of those who observed lockdowns were found to have an improved air quality! So, without our knowing it, we were probably contributing to the lowered air quality in our vicinities, just by being there! So let us not be too resistant when lockdowns are declared. It’s for our own good, you know.
Is there a rivalry among COVID 19 medicine manufacturers? Remember the reports that AstraZeneca was suspected to be causing blood clots? Now that has been denied by its producers. A recent review by a European medical agency is supposed to release its findings tomorrow on this matter, after earlier declaring that there is no indication of blood clots among those who accept it. There could also be competition among drug manufacturers, you know. Just listen to your doctor, and don’t self-diagnose, or prescribe. The studies on the virus is still continuing.*