There were areas in 12 barangays in Bacolod City that were under lockdown as of yesterday as more city residents tested positive for coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
The barangays Tangub, Alijis, Estefania,Taculing, Mansilingan, Villamonte, Vista Alegre, Singcang-Airport, Banago, 35, 12 and 27.
Bacolod Vice Mayor El Cid Familiaran, chairman of the city’s inter-agency task force, yesterday said most of the COVID-19 positive patients in these barangays are those who have been in close contact with the sibling of the General Services Office employee assigned at the Bacolod Arts, Youth and Sports (BAYS) Center who tested positive of the virus.
Familiaran said the liaison officer’s sister has infected 18 of her co-workers at the Office of the Senior Citizens Affairs (OSCA) in City Hall.
About 20 GSO employees underwent rapid test last week while the Bacolod City Government Center was closed for disinfection Wednesday last week.
Bacolod Mayor Evelio Leonardia ordered the Bacolod City Hall at Araneta Street placed under lockdown starting Sunday for disinfection due to the recent COVID-19 infections affecting employees assigned there.*