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Negrense rebel priest tagged as ‘terrorist’


Former Negrense priest-turned rebel Luis Jalandoni has been tagged by the Anti-Terrorism Council (ATC) as a “terrorist”.

Jalandoni was identified by the ATC as a member of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) central committee, member of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines and founder of Christians for National Liberation.

In a statement, the CPP denounced the designation of Jalandoni as shameless, baseless and outrageous.

It said that Jalandoni, now 87, “is publicly known as a peace negotiator and is a highly regarded revolutionary and stalwart of the national democratic cause.”

Jalandoni was among several Negrense priests, including Frank Fernandez, then secretary of the Komiteng Rehiyonal-Negros, who was captured in 2019, that went underground following the declaration of Martial Law in 1972.

Joining the ATC list of terrorists are five top officials of various CPP regional commands and five supposed sub-leaders of the Abu Sayyaf and Daulah Islamiyah.

“There is a finding of probable cause, warranting the designation of specific persons… for committing, conspiring, planning, preparing for the commission of terrorism and recruitment to and membership in, and providing material support to terrorist organizations or groups organized for the purpose of engaging in terrorism,” ATC said in a May 25 resolution.

However, the CPP said that the “terrorist label” being foisted by the ATC against Jalandoni and others is a gross perversion of the truth. It added that it was made without basis and cites no judiciable facts.

ATC said that “designation plays a critical role in the fight against terrorism and is an effective means to eliminate, prevent or suppress the financing of terrorist acts, the provision of support to entities and persons involved in terrorist acts, the recruitment of terrorist groups, and the supply of weapons to terrorists.”*


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January 2025

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