The secretary general of Power Watch Negros is seeking clarification from the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) concerning the ancillary services and associated charges reflected on electricity bills.
Wennie Sancho, in a letter dated November 11 to Cynthia Perez, vice president, Regulatory Affairs of the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP), said “As a consumer organization, advocating to advance the welfare of the electricity consumers based in Bacolod City, we are apprehensive that NGCP’s breakdown of ancillary services would lead to higher electricity rates for the consumers.”
For instance, Visayas AS rates have increased due to higher cost for Regulation Up/Down and Delayed Contingency Raise sourced from Reserve Market, he said.
As a consumer advocate, I would appreciate your response to the following questions: how are ancillary services costs calculated and allocated to consumers? What are the specific charges for Regulation Up/Down and Delayed Contingency Raise? Sancho asked in the letter.
He also would like to know how do they ensure transparency in billing and tariffs, and if they can provide detailed information on system losses and reserve power costs, as well as what measures are in place to optimize ancillary services and minimize costs.*