The Rotary Club of Bacolod-Marapara recently teamed up with Batea Elementary School in EB Magalona to participate in Brigada Eskwela 2023.
The event, a nationwide initiative to prepare schools for the upcoming academic year, saw club members distributing essential supplies including notebooks, pens and art materials to both students and teachers.
“With a strong commitment to community development and education, the club’s involvement showcased members’ dedication to empowering education. The event not only provided tangible resources but also fostered a sense of unity and collaboration within the community,” said past Marapara Rotary president, Lani Ferrer.
Head teacher Frollan Aloquina expressed his heartfelt appreciation to the club for supporting Brigada Eskwela 2023 in the school. “We shall remember this kindness and generosity,” he said.*