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Safer self-penance

The Department of Health has advised the public to remain healthy and safe as they observe the Holy Week, while also stressing that acts of self-penance may result in adverse health effects.

DOH officer-in-charge Undersecretary Maria Rosario Vergeire warned those who into the Lenten tradition of having themselves crucified of the risks, such as getting infected in the parts of the body that are punctured. “Aside from infection resulting from wounds sustained, it is possible for one to get tetanus, especially if the nails or tools aren’t disinfected or sterilized. So you really need to be careful,” she said.

At the same time, she also warned those who are into such Holy Week practices that may suffer from loss of blood. She also cautioned against the practice of self-scourging, which is also unsafe and harmful.

These Holy Week traditions are said to be part of penitencia, a form of penance where participants subject their bodies to “lashings, beatings, and other forms of self-inflicted flagellation.”

“Let us try to be healthy and safe during the Lenten season by doing the appropriate practices. We have other ways to show our sacrifices for the Lord,” Vergeire said.

There are many different ways of observing Lenten and Holy Week traditions, and some are definitely more extreme than others. While it is not encouraged, it is necessary to remind those who feel the need to be on the extreme end of self-inflicted suffering of the need to be extra careful, especially when the form of penance involves drawing blood and inflicting wounds.

In local government units where such practices still continue and cannot be discouraged, town officials will need to put in place medical professionals to oversee preparations and emergency crews just in case, as well as have a system in place to monitor the recovery of the penitents to prevent unwanted infections or complications.

With so many ways to commemorate Holy Week, traditions don’t have to be harmful and dangerous. Prayer, fasting and works of charity are surely just as effective. However, until these acts of self penance that may result in adverse health effects are somehow eliminated or made absolutely safe, it is the duty of the penitents and the public officials in charge of their towns or cities, to ensure that whatever traditions they keep and continue are practiced in the safest possible manner, so we don’t endanger lives while saving souls.*


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January 2025

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