It lived up to its name! The last item I heard about is said that the spaceship “Perseverance” had landed on Mars and was roving around the planet. I hope it will be able to gather as much information about it, and will tell the world if it is habitable for human beings. That could mean a depopulation of Planet Earth, and, perhaps reduce conflicts over territory. I hope this is not wishful thinking, but I admit that it may not happen while I am still around to comment about it in Twinkling, no matter how much I try to persevere!
What the world is trying to cope with now is still the COVID virus that is, hopefully, getting gradually conquered by vaccines, some types of which have already reached our country and some provinces and cities. If they all work as hoped for, then it will be another epidemic-turned-pandemic conquered by science and medicine. As it is, many provinces, cities and towns already have access to it, and let us all hope that soon COVID will join the list of epidemics and pandemics like smallpox, chicken pox and other previously incurable diseases.
Meanwhile, what the English people must be praying for now is the recovery of their Prince Philip who is reportedly in the hospital now, although his ailment was not identified in the report. But it is not suprising for him to be ailing, considering that he is now 99 years old. Longevity seems to be common among royalty but that should not be surprising, too, considering the care being taken for their well-being. As for us, ordinary folks, we would be very lucky to reach such age.
The good, rather hopeful news, is that in the United States, parks and entertainment areas are slowly coming alive and even Disneyland has opened its gates already. I wonder, though, how many people would risk taking their children to such areas, now that this pandemic has not yet been finally conquered. I have noted that even our city plaza and capitol grounds are not being frequented now by as many people as they used to be. Until now, “Stay home” is still the best policy.
I caught only a few scenes of the Holy Father, Pope Francis, in Iraq, but I think his visit there made quite an impact on the Catholics in that country. It is, indeed, a great event for members to see the head of the Church, more so during this time of a pandemic when he should have avoided traveling to foreign lands, and even going out of the Vatican. But he must have been inspired to do so, and I hope his visit was fruitful as far as the faith is concerned.
Is it true that in Manila, cinemas have been allowed to open? If so, how do they observe social distancing? How many people in a row are allowed? How about those who go to the movies, not for the purpose of seeing the show but for some private intention? Can they be obliged to observe social distancing? Since I don’t go to movies, haven’t seen one for several years now, I hope somebody will tell me if the ongoing at the balconies are still taking place.
Myanmar, Hongkong and Thailand – these three countries are in the news for the protests now going on in them. But unlike other protesting countries that are against their government officials and their policies, this time they are all protesting against the growing dominance of China! I think their fear is based on the possibility that China may gather them into her dominance as it plan, or hope to be the leader of Asia! When I was still a student, I used to hear the slogan “In the long run, China will win”. Please Lord, let them be content with their vast area.
Again, I saw the announcement that California will allow the reopening of its parks and other entertainment areas. Venues for sports and concerts will also be reopened. How sure are they that they are all free now from the COVID virus? Is that what they call “My Freedom Day”? Freedom from what? Oh, I also just heard a new song hit on TV, and guest what was its title? “Vaccine”! And you can memorize it in one hearing because its lyrics consist of only one word: “VACCINE”!*