The Social Security System said that the mandatory use of payment reference number (PRN) for short-term loan payments was moved to May 1 from its April 1 schedule.
SSS president and chief executive officer, Aurora Ignacio, said the management approved the one-month extension to provide members and employers extra time to create their My.SSS accounts, update contact information, and review their loan information.
“We wanted to make sure that our stakeholders are ready to comply with our upcoming procedural and system changes so that they can also benefit from this program and realize its importance,” Ignacio said in a press release.
Under the Real-Time Processing of Loans, individual members, including self-employed, voluntary, and overseas Filipino workers, and employers will use the system-generated PRN to facilitate the immediate and correct posting of loan payments on their corresponding records. Covered short-term loans under the RTPL implementation are salary, calamity, emergency, and restructured loans.
“Individual members and employers can either print out a copy or capture a screenshot of the PRN Loans Statement of Account with the corresponding barcode, accessed through the “RTPL PRN” module of their My.SSS accounts found on the SSS website at They may also present the SMS received from SSS indicating the PRN for loan payment,” Ignacio said.
Members and employers can also change the amount to be paid in the statement through their My.SSS accounts. However, employers are required to submit an electronic-Loan Collection List, which can be downloaded from the SSS accounts for offline editing before submission. The complete process flow of RTPL implementation can be accessed through
Payees should present their PRN at SSS branches with automated tellering system, or any RTPL-compliant collecting partners. For the complete list of RTPL-compliant partners, those interested may access
“This is to reiterate that starting May 1, RTPL-compliant SSS collecting partners will only accept loan payments with PRN to avoid possible system errors. Members and employers will receive a notification through email or SMS confirming their loan payment and successful posting,” Ignacio added.*