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Which is real, which is fake?

Twinkling with Ninfa R. Leonardia

It was heartwarming to hear that the United States is sending aid to India to help it cope with the vicious rate of COVID infections that have been hitting that country. India is one of the most highly populated countries in the world and the latest news from there confirm that it is also among the worst hit by this virus. One wonders if vaccination has not yet helped in stalling the spread of this pandemic. Let us continue praying, not only for our country, but also for the entire world because this new virus does not seem to choose where it will strike.


“America is on the move again”, that was what President Joe Biden  was quoted as saying in his report on the first 100 days of his term. That was encouraging  to hear, and we hope that includes sharing whatever his country has produced, or invented as a means to counter this prevailing virus that continues to spread despite the production of vaccines against it. But are such vaccines already available to all countries? And are they all as effective as we hope?


But what impressed me about Biden’s address was his focus on child care. Indeed, children should always be prioritized, not only because they will be the ones who will shape our future, but also because the continuity of the human race is their responsibility. I am sure many Americans were impressed by his focus on that, because we know of many children who have been neglected, left to their own devices at an early age, and often turn out to be problems in their communities.


Now what? The introduction of the medicine called “Ivermectin” as a cure for the COVID had been hailed earlier when it seemed to be successful in fighting the virus. However, some reports lately have given some negative comments on it, which must have turned off a lot of potential users. But there have been stories also that a fake version of the medicine has been discovered, which is why, many have expressed doubts about using it. So who can assure the ailing public how to detect the real from the fake?


The wicked ones responsible for those fake versions should be hunted down and prosecuted without mercy. At a time when people are desperate and fearful, not only for their own selves for also for those  of their loved ones, anybody, or any company or organization that would dare produce fake versions of a life-saving medicine should be considered not only a traitor, but a killer, who should be meted the punishment murderers deserve. I doubt though, if those producing the fake versions are from our country. Your guess us as good as mine.


I can’t help going back to the case of India, where people have been reported to be dying alone in their homes because other family members have either moved away or succumbed to the disease as well. Worse are the reports that some hospitals and health care centers can no longer acquire  oxygen because it is running out from its usual providers. Also, there are complaints that there is no government support for the victims and, worse, of the entire population, only about two percent have been inoculated!


But, it has its equivalent in South America that is experiencing its deadliest wave, so far, according to CNN reports. Colombia has been reported to have recorded no less than 500,000, cases in a single day! If that continues, how will it affect their population count? What has their government been doing to stave off further waves of the pandemic? Aren’t they getting aid from other, wealthier nations, or from the United Nations? These are really incomprehensible times, with incomprehensible problems!


And it looks as if people’s temperaments are also affected by this virus and fear of it. In Israel, a religious celebration developed into a stampede and more than a hundred were hurt, with 44 killed! What could have caused the participants to run amuck while supposedly performing a religious ritual? Now I  realize why our local religious leaders had cancelled the holding of some Holy Week rituals, like the much participated in processions, this time. You cannot account for the temperament of people these days. Still the best advice, therefore, is to stay home, observe all protocols, and keep praying and pleading with the good Lord to take away this pandemic, not only from our country, but from the whole world.*


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February 2025

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