Will it be the Philippines that will discover the cure for the mysterious and deadly coronavirus? Our hopes seem to rise whenever we hear of cases where local cures, like the lagundi plant and the tawa-tawa are believed to be effective, but, so far, we have not seen published stories about cases that have been cured by them. And there is also a report about virgin coconut oil being effective, but also no mention of the victims who actually recovered through it.
But we should be very glad and give thanks to God for saving us from a President like the one the United States has at this time. Can you imagine President Duterte saying that it is only because there is so much testing that there are many cases in his country? Well, that was what was reported of the American leader, believe it or not. Until now, he seems to be belittle the dangers of the virus. Has anybody read or heard about him ordering experiments on various drugs and treatments for the disease that has already cost the lives of thousands of his people?
I have heard some people wonder why our own President has hardly been heard from, either commenting, or giving advices, or informing us of steps being taken by the Palace to curb the transmission of this virus. But maybe he believes in the saying that “Discretion is the better part of valor”. Since he is lawyer by profession and in no way a medical expert, he has kept his opinions to himself. But the Americans have the misfortune now of having a garrulous president, but who elected him anyway?
But we should pray for our fellow Pinoys in Cebu where many cases of the COVID-19 have been recorded. Could it be because many overseas workers have landed there on their way home to their native provinces in Mindanao? I recall, though, that even COVID suspected cases from Manila had made a stopover there. hence the inevitability of infections. This COVID is a very vicious enemy, because it can reportedly stay in the air or in surfaces for several minutes before losing its venom. You don’t even have to be in the same area, or near a victim to get it yourself.
But what is this we hear about an investigation on the Philhealth? Seems a senator has gotten wind of some monkey business there that is proposed to be investigated. What a time for the Health agency to get into trouble! Now, when all its attention, interests and efforts should be centered on the health of the people, it still finds time to become suspect for monkey business? I hope it is not true, as that would be very shocking, It could be among the sins that cry to heaven for vengeance! I noted that it was Sonny Angara who caught a whiff of this. Ah, Sonny is his dad’s son, indeed. My dear friend Ed Angara would be proud of his boy.
I am amused at the comments of our readers on items mentioned in this column about U.S. President Trump. Of course he is not my president, but who wouldn’t be interested in the head of such a great country? I do agree with the comment from CNN that his coming opponent in this election is not Joe Biden, but the coronavirus. I wonder, though, why CNN seems to be focused on him and his slips. Has he been crossing their paths? But President Trump has reason to be concerned, although he may not show it. The polls have not been kind to him.
Meanwhile, we in the Philippines still cannot be complacent as far as this virus is concerned. As of yesterday, the total number of cases here was 9,391,763, with 631,164 dead and recoveries 9,396,763. In the United States, California is said to have the highest number of COVID cases. That should worry a lot of Filipinos because that is the state where, I think, we have the most Pinoys working or actually residing. And not only Filipinos, because it is also a melting pot of various races.
What a pity that we learned about the comet that appeared in our country only recently. I am sure only a few Filipinos were aware of it, although the lucky ones had taken pictures that showed them quite clearly later. But the old folks have a belief that the appearance of a comet is a bad omen! Please, Lord, don’t let this one mean an omen of something worse than the virus we are facing now! Let’s not be superstitious, but me, I am praying very hard that this one brings good signs. How much more problems after the coronavirus can we take?*