Who are the QUAD? At first I thought it referred to a multiple birth, but this time it stands for four of the most populated and powerful countries. And these consist of the United States, India, Australia and Japan. I hope they are not going to name some countries “The Pygmies”, because we might be included among them. Anyway, let us be glad that those countries are friendly to us, and, at this time, I don’t think they consider us threats to them, too.
Of the four, only Japan once dared to try and subjugate us, but thanks to our protector, the United States, that risked hundred of its military forces and aircrafts, we were liberated. I was old enough to remember how the atomic bomb was invented and its impact on Nagasaki and Hiroshima, sent Japan, who was then aiming to be a great world power, to its knees. Now it has become a very friendly country, and has also become more successful. Let us always pray and hope that no other country or countries get similar ideas, because the struggle then could led to the annihilation of the race.
But the most disturbing reports coming out, especially from the United States, is the growing bias against Asians, who have adopted American citizenship and are doing very well there, maybe even getting more important jobs and higher pay than some natives. I am not referring only to Filipinos, but also to those from other Asian countries who must have been taking jobs away from the natives. I know of several Pinoys, among them my own cousins and relatives, who are holding important positions in banks and big companies. Maybe that draws envy from the natives, who feel deprive of chances.
But I think that percentage-wise, our people have more chances to go to college and earn an impressive degrees, which is why they are able to land important positions there. Also, I know that, as a rule, Pinoys are not clock watchers, and are steady workers. Hence, their possibility of getting hired for good positions are very likely. And I hope our young people, especially those in college now, take this to mind, and try their best to develop a proper work ethic, if they want to succeed.
It is surprising that with all the facilities and the trained manpower in the medical profession available there, the United States is still experiencing a rise in COVID infections that have been described as “alarming”. Could it be that some of their people have been belittling the seriousness of this pandemic? On TV, we still see a lot of people not wearing masks even while out in public areas. Or are those people having “death wishes”? Somebody should tell them to go ahead and do it, but not to infect others who still have the wish to live and be fruitful members of the human race.
At one time, I had the suspicion that the bad news against the AstraZeneca vaccine was promoted by rival drug companies, but it seems that reports about blood clots had some truth to it. Anyway, the same report also assured that such reactions were rare, and the benefits far outweigh the risks. So let our people be assured, especially now that the news just came out that those over 50 can be vaccinated already. We who are over that must just take care, and pray.
Why so late? It was reported on TV yesterday that several of the rioters who stormed into the U.S. capitol have been identified via video tapes taken by CCTV cameras in the house. But why is that being disclosed only now? Wasn’t it on January 6 yet that the riot took place? It has been more than two months, since. Now they will have a harder time looking for and identifying those who were there and who inflicted injuries on others. Sometimes I wonder if the American cops and detectives are as sharp as we believe them to be.
They are soldiers and are ready to face war, but it looks as if they could be like little children when it comes to being stuck with a needle. I laughed out loud when I heard the news that members of the U.S. military were wary of vaccination and only a small percentage are willing to go through with it! Funny, isn’t it? They are not afraid of getting hit by bullets in wartime, but a tiny, teeny-weeny needle being stuck in the arms intimidate them! What about our big and muscled he-men, have they been vaccinated already?*