June 4, 2024

Cloud seeding to start this week – guv

• GILBERT P. BAYORAN Cloud seeding operations of the Bureau of Soils and Water Management (BSWM) are expected to start this week in Negros Occidental, Governor Eugenio Jose Lacson disclosed yesterday. In a dialog with some sugar planters, Lacson said


Israel needs more OFWs – diplomat

• GILBERT P. BAYORAN Israeli Ambassador to the Philippines Ilan Fluss yesterday said that Israel needs more Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs). In a press briefing, Fluss reported that there are about 28,000 OFWs in Israel, of which 800 had been


City council reminds of No Smoking Month

• CHRYSEE G. SAMILLANO A resolution enjoining the participation of all city government departments, educational institutions, 61 barangays, and all residents of Bacolod City to the celebration of the “National No Smoking Month” this June 2024 in accordance with P.D.


2 farmers, SHS student shot dead

• GILBERT P. BAYORAN Two farmers and a senior high school student were shot and killed in separate shooting incidents on June 2 in Negros Occidental, with the motives yet to be established by the police, as of press time.


Malacon attends World Cities Summit in Singapore

E. B. Magalona Mayor Marvin Malacon and Executive Assistant Matthew Louis Malacon, his son, are among the delegates from the Third District of Negros Occidental, led by Rep. Jose Francisco Benitez, currently attending the World Cities Summit (WCS) 2024 in


New heavens and a new earth

We have to be familiar with this truth of our faith, and develop the pertinent understanding and attitude towards it, as well as the due preparation for it. We are reminded of this truth in the first reading of the


Car free?

Bacolod City has announced that it will have a “Car free Sunday”, for a few hours at least, from 5 a.m. to 9 a.m., starting on June 9, on a portion of Lacson Street, its main thoroughfare. According to its

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Changing NIR name not priority for now – Lacson

• GILBERT P. BAYORAN Negros Occidental Governor Eugenio Jose Lacson yesterday said that changing the Negros Island Region name to Negros Island Siquijor Administrative Region (NISAR) may not be a priority for now. Stressing that NIR is now a law

Marks of a true Christian

While there a many, even infinite, marks of a true believer of Christ, at least we can mention two that can clearly identify us as true Christians. These are when we know how to really pray, addressing God as our

USLS, Acster crowned 3rd Chairman’s Cup Negros champs

The University of St. La Salle and Acster Marketing were crowned champions of their respective categories in the United Negros Basketball League 3rd Chairman’s Cup Negros, which was held in cooperation with Toyota Negros Occidental, after the finals held Sunday

Expectations high for Negros Power

• GILBERT P. BAYORAN Negros Occidental officials and a consumer group have expressed their optimism that Negros Power would offer improved service delivery, including affordable rates, and the prompt resolution of issues being confronted by its consumers. Bacolod City Vice

God’s grace and our effort

Those two parables Christ told his disciples that compared the Kingdom of God to some seed that when planted on earth would just grow, become big and bear fruit (cfr. Mk 4,26-34) highlight the truth of our faith that God