June 13, 2024

Negros Island Region completes comeback today

• GILBERT P. BAYORAN The long awaited signing of Negros Island Region bill by President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. into law, is set for 2 p.m. of June 13 at Malacañang Palace in Manila. Negros Occidental Governor Eugenio Jose Lacson confirmed


Negros Occidental cloud seeding on hold

• GILBERT P. BAYORAN The cloud seeding operations in Negros Occidental were held in abeyance, over fears that the rains it may induce could cause lahar flow in areas affected by the phreatic eruption of Kanlaon volcano, Governor Eugenio Jose


Guv lauds volcano eruption responders

• GILBERT P. BAYORAN Negros Occidental Governor Eugenio Jose Lacson yesterday thanked government troops, healthcare workers, emergency responders, volunteers, and public servants, among others, who responded and rendered services to victims of Kanlaon volcano eruption on June 3. Their unwavering


Bacolod City has new BFP head

• GILBERT P. BAYORAN Fire Supt. Jenny Mae Masip is the new acting head of the Bureau of Fire and Protection in Bacolod City. Prior to her new position, Masip served deputy Provincial Fire Marshall of Negros Occidental BFP. She


Ensuring internet access

Consumer group Bantay Konsyumer, Kalsada, Kuryente (BK3) is urging the government to set aside more budget for internet infrastructure in the country, saying that internet connection is a human right and that investments in broadband infrastructure should be a priority


WURI recognizes SU for social responsibility initiatives

Silliman University, through its program on fighting information disorder on social media, landed 72nd place in the 2024 World University Rankings for Innovation (WURI), under its social responsibility category, according to a press release from the university. On its website,


Philippine Ballet Theatre presents Sarimanok

Philippine Ballet Theatre, with the generous support of Philippine Airlines and the Cultural Center of the Philippines, will showcase the rich ethnic glory and diversity of the Philippines through a fusion of classical ballet, regional dances, and mythology. The goal


Philsutech gears up for 70th convention

The Philippine Sugar Technologists Association (PHILSUTECH) is gearing up for its 70th Annual National Convention on August 12-16 at Waterfront Hotel, Cebu City, with the theme “Boosting Technology Innovations to Advance Competitiveness of the Philippine Sugarcane Industry.” No less than

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A film review

One of the things we got to do during the extra-long weekend (for those who work in Bacolod City), was finally see the movie “Under the Piaya Moon” which a lot of family members had been raving about, primarily because

Himamaylan seeks third Seal of Good Local Governance

The Himamaylan City Government is vying for its third Seal of Good Local Governance (SGLG) as the local government unit underwent the regional validation yesterday, a press release from the city’s PIO said. Mayor Raymund Tongson and heads of offices

Albee asks for understanding over traffic congestion

• GILBERT P. BAYORAN Mayor Alfredo Abelardo Benitez has asked for understanding on the inconvenience and traffic congestion brought by the on-going P85 million road construction in Cabug-Handumanan Road in Bacolod City. In a statement, Benitez asked the contractor to

Expectations high for Negros Power

• GILBERT P. BAYORAN Negros Occidental officials and a consumer group have expressed their optimism that Negros Power would offer improved service delivery, including affordable rates, and the prompt resolution of issues being confronted by its consumers. Bacolod City Vice

Rotary sends aid to La Castellana evacuees

Over a thousand remaining evacuees in two sites in La Castellana, Negros Occidental, received assistance from civic organizations led by the Rotary Club of Bacolod Central, along with the Metro Bacolod Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MBCCI), and the Negros