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Fueling a crisis

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Deputy Speaker and 1Pacman party list Rep. Mikee Romero pushed for urgent legislative measures to mitigate the impact of rising fuel prices on Filipinos, especially as the unprovoked aggression against Ukraine by Russia continues to affect the global situation.

Apart from the proposed temporary suspension of excise tax on oil products, Romero urged government to revive its “Pantawid Pasada” program for the public transportation sector that is already reeling from the impact of skyrocketing oil prices.

“This is an emergency situation right now. The continuing spike in oil prices affects not just the transport industry but everything and everyone. The prices of basic goods are increasing because of the domino effect. The Filipino people will suffer if we don’t act now,” Romero stressed in an interview.

He cited the need to provide assistance to operators and drivers of public utility vehicles like buses, taxis and jeepneys. He also cited the need for a law that would suspend the excise tax on fuel under the Tax Reform Acceleration and Inclusion Law to control oil prices.

“From P4.35 in 2018, excise tax on unleaded gasoline is no P10 pesos per liter due to TRAIN Law. Imagine suspending the excise tax, we can bring down the price from P65 per liter to P55 per liter. That would be a big help not just to the transport sector but to ordinary Filipinos in general,” Romero argued.

He added that the TRAIN Law actually provided for automatic suspension of the excise tax should world crude oil prices reach $80 per barrel but the provision lapsed in 2020 and the global price has already breached the $100 barrier. He suggests suspending the excise tax, even for just 60 days or 30 days, as long as global prices are above $80 per barrel.

However, for any of the proposals to be even discussed, Malacañang must call a two-week special session to address the crisis.

The world that is still recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic is currently in crisis due to the unnecessary war in Ukraine. Although it is far away, we are all affected and in the case of Filipinos, we need our government and its leaders to be working for us, especially during these difficult times. Will the current occupant of Malacañang and our legislators find the time for the Filipino people and show up when we need them?*


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June 2024

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