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No ceasefire vs. NPA in Negros – Army

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Despite the yuletide celebrations, there will be no ceasefire against remnants of the New People’s Army in Negros, yesterday declared Brig. Gen. Orlando Edralin, the Army’s 303rd Infantry Brigade commander.

In the absence of a ceasefire declaration from the Armed Forces of the Philippines, we will continue our operations against the NPA, to assure everybody that the upcoming Christmas eve celebration will be peaceful, Edralin said.

They can run, but they cannot hide, he stressed, apparently referring to the rebel remnants.

Edralin said the recent encounters in the hinterlands of Binalbagan and Himamaylan City, was a product of a real time information relayed to them by the people

He, however, stressed that their door remains open for NPA rebels to return to the folds of law, just like the 42 former rebels who yesterday availed of early Christmas gifts amounting to P30,000 each from the provincial government of Negros Occidental.

The Roselyn Jean Pelle Command in northern Negros has issued a statement claiming responsibility for the recent killing of three civilians in the hinterlands of Calatrava, which they accused either as committing grave offenses against the people, or serving as military informants.

Edralin said the killing of innocent civilians is a manifestation of how “barbaric” they are, as he also stressed that NPA remnants want to project that they are still a force to be reckoned with, despite their dwindling numbers.

The Army’s 3rd Infantry reported that its focused military operations in Negros, Panay and Bohol from January to date this year, have resulted in a total of 90 armed engagements that led to the neutralization of 236 leaders and members of the NPA in two Visayas regions.

Of the numbers, 57 have been killed in gunbattles, 164 surrendered, while 15 others were apprehended, and 192 assorted guns were recovered.

In the same period, Army regional spokesperson Lt. Col J Jay Javines reported that 341 former rebels also received financial and livelihood assistance, both from local government units and national government.

Javines said that the strong collaboration of the 3rd Infantry Division with all government agencies, local government units, and the entire populace in the two regions has been the key to the successful implementation of its intensified combat and non-combat activities this year.

Military records showed that the manpower of the NPA in Western and Central Visayas regions was reduced from 214 in 2022 to 146 active members this year, with the number of firearms going down to 173, from 278 last year.

“Your 3ID will continue its military operations even this Christmas season. We are resolute in our stand of ‘no let-up’ against the NPA, its commander, Maj. Gen. Marion Sison said in a statement.

We sacrifice our time with our families, even on this most special occasion of the year, just to ensure that these communist terrorists will be totally defeated, Sison added.*


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