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Of saints and souls

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Twinkling with Ninfa R. Leonardia

It didn’t seem like a complete year because we had to miss one of the most important feast days, not only for Catholics and other religions, but as well as for those who profess to be “free thinkers” with no religious observances. This time, I am referring to one practice we did not, or could not, observe this time, the observance of All Saints and All Souls’ days, which people, no matter their religious beliefs are, consider a holy day of obligation, especially for Catholics.


As far as I remember from my childhood, November 1 and 2 in the Catholic calendar are marked as All Saints Day, and All Souls’ Day. But government made sure that this date everyone, no matter what their faith, must avoid going to cemeteries and memorial parks to visit the graves of departed loved ones and pray for their souls. This time, however, to ensure that the prohibition is observed, the gates of such places were ordered closed on those days to prevent visitors from entering. I heard that some brought ladders to climb over the fences, but were discouraged by guards.


Well, the prohibition was intended for everyone’s welfare, but I am sure some were able to make their visits the days before, or after, the actual holy days. But lately, I realized that our beloved dead will benefit more from our prayers, than for our visits. So, if you were not able to observe tradition with your visits this year, be sure that you have prayed for your departed loved ones, which you can do wherever you are. Anyway, I have always wondered why more people prefer to make their visits on November one which, in the church calendar, is All Saints Day, while November two is All Souls’ Day.


But, as the old saying goes, “It’s an ill wind that brings no good”. This time the ill wind is the COVID that has attacked many countries – I have yet to hear of any that has been spared by it. That should encourage us to be more prayerful and be attentive to all warnings and advices on how to avoid contamination. Epidemics and pandemics are not new to civilization, but our forefathers had been able to produce vaccines against them.


Maybe this time the “good” that the ill wind brought by COVID is several countries have found antidotes or vaccines against it and now a sense of security is felt by those who have allowed themselves to undergo vaccinations against it. And since such vaccines are now being made available to people, I hope all over the world, we can breathe sighs of relief. And since vaccines are now available, it can be blamed on heads of families or business establishments if they fail to ensure the safety of their folks as well as their employees if they fail to help their members to undergo it.


I saw a news report saying that Australia had opened its borders and tourists and receiving both business entrepreneurs and tourists again. That is a good sign that probably indicates that this China-born virus will soon be unavailable to all countries with stricken citizens. And I hope that other countries will also discover an antidote for it that will not be so expensive, it may not be easy to acquire by poorer countries. It has been quite a while since its name was elevated to “pandemic”, while we thought it was just an “epidemic” before.


A recent news item I heard said Sicily, a favorite destination for tourists, was suffering from floods that it has never experienced before! It is indeed a different environment we have now. What I fear the most when mention is made of “climate change” is that weather changes might bring snow and ice to our tropical country! How could our people survive it? Maybe the well-to-do people can survive it by acquiring warm clothes and heaters as well. But what about our folks in distant barrios living in nipa huts?


Ah, it is now November and Christmas is only a few weeks away. People in Europe and other countries will experience snow and even enjoy sports we have never experienced in our tropical country. So let us pray that the “climate change” scientists are talking about will not affect our country by giving us snow and ice when the Christmas season starts! Think of our people who may perish if ever the change occurs when we are least prepared! I think that is one possibility we should pray will not happen in our country. Those who want to see and play in snow should just go to the United States, or any other place where there is snow, especially on Christmas Day!*


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May 2024

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