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Plane accident victims on the ground

Twinkling with Ninfa R. Leonardia

Do we have the  same problem as Texas, U.S.A.? Remember  the last time we suffered from floods and experts  said they were caused by infrastructural defects. Well, Texas also suffered flooding lately and news reports blamed  infrastructural defects for it . So our engineers, the ones who were responsible for our infrastructure, must have gone to the same, or similar schools, which is why we, too, are experiencing flooding now. Well, maybe the next generation of engineers and road builders will be better versed in dealing with flood and they may not bother the next generations anymore. But cross  your fingers when you say, or even think that.


Remember the United Airlines  place that developed  engine trouble on flight, but managed to land safely with nobody hurt, even when some segments, rather, debris, were reported to be falling from it already? The pilot was praised by people who credited his experience in flying, but nobody said that some passengers, and maybe even the  pilot himself was praying! Anyway, the latest from the company that owns the plane, United Airlines is that they are grounding all their planes for sometime for thorough check-ups. That’s commendable of them.


I am among those who fully appreciate such fears because I am one of the most cowardly  of flyers. Much as I love traveling, and the Good Lord has blessed me with as many opportunities to do so. He must have protected me all the time. And I credit that to my constant supplications for His protection while on flight. I envy people who sleep soundly all the way, on international flights, that is, but for me, every change in the sound of the engines always gets me starting another rosary!


Aren’t you disturbed by reports that relationships between the United states and  China are worsening?  Two giants – if they get to arms, what will we pygmies do? News from the U.S.  claim that it was Donald Trump, who, during his presidency, wrought “immeasurable  damage” to the U.S.-China relations. But Trump is no longer president, his own people voted him out, and now  it is poor Joe Biden  who must mend fences with China that  seems to be throwing its weight around now.


How come the world cannot produce enough vaccines for all its people? Until now there still seems to be a big lack and many countries have not availed of it yet. Even New York City has been reported to lack the stuff for all its residents. England, too, is reserving its stock for the elderly and the news there is that they  may get enough of it in July yet. That is a good five months away, and what will be the toll of the COVID  by then? So far, no less than 500,000 deaths due to it have been recorded.


As if our troubles in dealing with this pandemic were not enough, here comes another hike in  fuel prices. Wasn’t  it only a week ago that an increase was announced? No wonder we have had a lot of news lately about accidents involving tricycles and trisikads. Pedal power is cheaper, but also dangerous because the units are no match for the oil powered, bigger, faster and more powerful units they have to contend with on the road. If you had not filled up last week, prepare for a shock this time.


In the meantime, do not wonder why it is still so cold in our-so-called temperate country. The Weatherman has taken another turn and we are supposed to be ready for cold weather until March! Now, isn’t that supposed to be a part of summer already? Seems it will not be the same this time. Summer will be a bit later, if not too late for people to enjoy its warm and sunny days. Anyway, how can we enjoy the outdoors when everybody is being advised to stay home? Ah, this is a contrary world we are living in now!


Another mystery of life is that a United Airlines plane that developed engine trouble and started dropping debris as it flew along. Well, it reached its destination, landed safely with all passengers and crew safe. What they didn’t know was that as it passed over a town in Holland, the falling debris had injured two persons on the ground! Talk about ironies! They were not on the plane but they were plane accident victims.*


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February 2025

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