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Can we deal with ice and snow?

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Pray! Help is coming, according to the news. Help in the form of vaccines to be administered to our people. But alas, it will not cover a fourth of our population, as there will only be about 25 million doses. Of course it is better than nothing but who will be the privileged ones to get them? And if it is true that two doses are needed to complete immunity, all the more will the situation become desperate. How will the recipients be chosen? By political standing and connections, or by lots?


It seems vaccination can also be a political issue. President-Elect Joe Biden of the United States led by example and had himself vaccinated, but his opponent, incumbent President Donald Trump has not been shown undergoing it. But maybe it is because he is a COVID survivor and has acquired immunity from it. Who knows? Now that he is leaving the White House next week, he must be thinking up some mischief to spoil Biden’s first day in office. Reports say that vaccines are available for everyone in the U.S. How about in our country? Are there any plans for mass vaccinations, too?


Why are they bothering to work on the impeachment of Donald Trump, by the way? Isn’t he going to leave the office whether he is impeached or not, anyway? Maybe his opponents just want to give him a departure without honors, i.e. a shameful one that will go down in
American history as such. The news yesterday confirmed that the impeachment process has started but will it take place before the date when the new president takes over? Joe Biden will be sworn in next week, on January 20, that is. Anyway, I don’t know how long such a process will take. Can they do it in a week?


But one should stop and get more information about vaccines before submitting to them. The representative of the World Health Organization in the Philippines, Dr. Rabinda Abeyasinghe says these are still under the testing process, and would not comment on the efficacy of either Sinovac or Sinopharm, especially on children. So only those above 16 years old may be allowed to be vaccinated, as at this point, it is still under study. Maybe that is why some reports insists that they are better for the elderly, or senior citizens, who, however are most wary about unfamiliar treatments.


By the way, if you are still fearful about getting vaccinated, you may want to know that news reports on Monday said that Pope Francis himself has a scheduled vaccination this week. I doubt, though, if he will allow his picture undergoing the process to be published, but there you are! If we believe in following the leader, let us follow the lead of the Holy Father who is showing by example that even if he is the head of the Catholic Church, he does not rely on miracles alone to end human ailments.


But look who’s talking! I have not undergone vaccination for COVID myself, but since I have been in quarantine for 10 months now, in a ground floor room my very protective brother, Pros, who is an architect, set up for me and my late sister Perla, I  am quite comfortable and sometimes lonely, but for the frequent phone calls from friends who bring me the latest happenings, and contacts from whom I get materials as well as gossip to entertain me. Anyway, my nephews and nieces always set Saturdays for the day to entertain me, and for that, I always thank the Good Lord.


Gosh! Did you, like me, think that COVID only hits human beings? A TV report said two gorillas in a zoo in California were found to have COVID symptoms! Goodness! How can they inject medicine into that thick hide? So far, no other animals in the zoo have been reported affected. It’s not a pleasant thought, but maybe those unbelievers who do not believe in the creation, must be gloating now that this is because man developed from the ape! But I haven’t seen a gorilla in his appearance, only in his behavior. Ha! Ha!


The Pagasa, our equivalent of a weather station, has declared that cold weather is still to be expected in the Philippines. Oh no!  It has been getting cold enough for comfort already. What do we do in case snow or hail starts falling on our land? Nipa huts will be toppled, and people will freeze to death, not being ready with warm clothing as we are. Wealthy people may put up  fireplaces in their homes, but what will the poor ones do? One business that will thrive will be the used clothes shops where “relief” clothes including woolen overcoats, and sweaters are sold. But will there be enough for the population? Again, let us pray that this does not happen in our country.*


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May 2024

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