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On wrongs and rights

How desperate must Donald Trump be for his reelection? Yesterday, over CNN, he was reported as claiming that the coronavirus pandemic will end by the time election day comes around! Has he been hearing voices from heaven? Of course we all hope his prediction comes true, but coming from the mouth of a politician, I doubt if even his own fellow Americans believe him. I have heard a lot of political election promises, but this one takes the cake.


In the meantime, the entire world is sympathizing with the people of Lebanon where a deadly explosion has shaken, especially its capital, Beirut, and killed 137 people, and injured about 5,000. World attention has centered on the country with several offering aid, but what do you know! The people themselves are appealing to those potential donors NOT to give their assistance to their government! Has mistrust for their leaders become that strong? Anyway, I hope countries intending to send aid to them will heed their appeal and send their own representatives to deliver the aid directly to the needy. What an indictment on the Lebanese leaders that is.


But even during that deadly blast that destroyed buildings as well as homes, signs are seen that God is still watching over us. A scene taken from a church which even showed the celebrating priest fleeing when the building shook, showed that all the stained glass windows had fallen and broken into pieces, except the ones with the images of Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary! I am sure that gave the churchgoers an assurance that they are still being watched over by Jesus and His Blessed Mother.


Aside from the story of those miraculous glass windows, there are also reports that could be taken as heartwarming, or shocking, depending on the circumstances reported. One of them was that police report of a man in Pasay City who was arrested for stealing the door of a house in his neighborhood. When arrested by the police, his justification was that his wife was pregnant and they needed the money he could get by selling it. A very sad story, indeed, but theft is theft, and now his wife will have more problems because he could be jailed for it. As usual, two wrongs don’t make a right.


But sometimes we also hear about people who, no matter what their problems or deficiencies are, still manage to help themselves without relying on others, or resorting to criminal acts like thievery, or working on the sympathy of others by begging. I’m sorry I was not able to note down the town or province where this was noted, but it showed a man, a polio victim from his youth, who was shown crawling on a ricefield, helping with the harvesting. He did not allow his disability to make him an object of pity or dependence on others. What a beautiful example of persistence and independence!


Has the ark of Noah landed in the Philippines? TV reports yesterday showed that some animals, not domesticated ones, have been sighted in several parts of the country. Who would believe that a crocodile would be seen crawling on the sidewalk of a subdivision in Davao City? And that is no tall tale, because its picture was shown, although there was no follow-up on where it eventually went. There were also reports of an ostrich and tarsiers sighted in Mindanao! Please, dear Lord, do not allow pythons and other deadly creatures to also come out during these times! We have enough to fear these days.


I wonder if some officials of Philhealth are losing sleep over the President’s focus on their activities these days? Seems the Chief Executive has been briefed about some unhealthy practices in that agency, and has now turned his focus on it. And of course we all agree with him. It is bad enough to know that some monkey business is going on in other agencies, but this one is supposed to take care of the health of all Filipinos. If its officials are helping themselves to its funds or taking advantage of privileges they have entitled themselves to, they must now be ready to face the music from Malacañang, unless, something else distracts it, which we hope will not happen.


And now a bit of good, and hopeful news. There is a move in Congress to increase the monthly pension of senior citizens and all seniors should clasp their hands in prayers that this is approved and implemented. The amount is not much, P1,000 I understand, but at least it will go along way for the needy. Think of the medicines it can purchase, especially the maintenance ones that most doctors prescribe for them. And I hope their families will be understanding and not take advantage of the amount their elderly parents will be receiving. Let the old folks enjoy what is left of their lives with what their government is trying to supply them.*


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September 2024

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