Transport carriers should allow travelers with S-PaSS bound for Bacolod as agreed during a recent meeting, Councilor Israel Salanga, who is in charge of the returning overseas Filipino workers, said yesterday.
Salanga said that, based on the guidelines issued by the Emergency Operations Center on the resumption of inbound travel after the moratorium ended, all returning residents whose Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction had lapsed must be tested upon arrival.
Salanga said that even if the RT-PCR test had lapsed because they were not allowed to travel earlier due to the moratorium, the city government will still accommodate them as long as their S-PaSS has been approved.
Councilor Cindy Rojas, who is in charge of returning locally stranded individuals, said Bacolod has allowed their entry since yesterday after the moratorium lapsed on Monday.
Like Salanga, Rojas said they will accept the expired RT-PCR test result of the LSIs and will allow them to go back home to Bacolod until April 30, adding that the result showing them free from Covid should be presented upon arrival.
LSIs will be picked up by the city bus when they arrive in Bacolod and will be brought to the Bacolod Respiratory Outpatient Center at the Bays Center for re-swabbing, then allowed to go home to observe their quarantine. Rojas said the LSIs can also choose to isolate themselves at the city’s quarantine facilities while waiting for the swab results to limit exposure to their loved ones.*