One after the other. We have not yet ensured the conquest of the vicious Coronavirus, a.k.a. COVID 19, and now we hear of a threat about a volcano showing very clear signs of erupting. One can imagine how the people living within the vicinity are feeling now. The volcano, with the exotic name of La Soufriere has been emitting ash and a strong sulphuric smell that has scared residents into moving away for their safety. I confess that I do not exactly know the location of this volcano, but I hope there is no connection between it and our own Kanlaon, and even Mayon!
This must be somber days for England with the pall of sorrow for their Prince Philip, royal escort and husband of Queen Elizabeth, and for other areas that are connected to England. And not only in England are flags being flown at half mast, but also in all those other areas considered part of the United Kingdom. But it was a life lived long and well – we never heard of any scandal or misbehavior, even in gossip columns regarding the husband of England’s Queen Elizabeth. He died at 99, a ripe old age, but I am sorry, I don’t recall the age of the Queen, even though I was very fond of reading about royal families as a teenager.
In Western Australia, it was a cyclone that scared people because it seems that it had not happened in the recent past and came without warning. I guess that in this day and age, we must be ready for all sorts of happenings that may affect our lives. In fact, we should be thankful that we have not experienced typhoons or other natural calamities in recent years, and everyone should join in prayers that Nature will be kind to us, because we already have a pandemic to reckon with these days.
By the way, a warning has come out for people, patients, especially to be careful because there are fake medicines and vaccines for the COVID being produced, and most likely in the market now. Talk of man’s inhumanity to man. Already world population is reeling from the problem caused by this pandemic, and still some dastardly beings are wicked enough to produce fake medicines to take advantage of the situation. I hope they get their just punishment from the Good Lord, because what they are doing is surely among the sins that cry to heaven for vengeance.
Still on the subject of vaccines, and the malady they are supposed to prevent, I hope those scientists and medical researchers will focus more on finding a really effective cure for this disease that has already assumed pandemic proportions. I still have not come across any report or news about any country or countries untouched by this novel virus that China has gifted the world. Yes, a team from the World Health Organization had gone to Wuhan, the place where it is supposed to have originated, but reports later said their conclusion was that the virus did not come from a laboratory, but from animals.
So, which one? Nothing more has come out, about their conclusions, but I may have missed their latest revelations. What is alarming is how quickly it has infected people from several countries, with the virus even enabling the introduction of a new word, “super-spreader”. But has anyone warned about possible reactions or allergies to the vaccines? That would be going from bad to worse, wouldn’t it? What about Canada? The news said three million have been vaccinated, but they have a population of 300 million. Will they be able to reach 100 percent?
Don’t be too curious and try to probe into what’s happening to the first family of the Philippines. For one, some people are wondering why presidential daughter Sara, who is the mayor of Davao City, had to go to Singapore last week. Yesterday, it was announced that she was back, but no curious media people ever got a hint of what she went there for. Maybe just shopping? Others also wonder why the President himself seldom appears, even on TV. Well, he is the top man of the land – he can show up and disappear as he pleases.
Pandemic notwithstanding, it seems the registration nationwide for the issuance of the national Identification Cards for every citizen is still going on. I am sorry for those tasked with doing the interviews for the preparation of the I.D.s. Will they be able to avoid interviewing or dealing with citizens who, unknowingly, are carriers of the virus that has created this pandemic? I am sure nobody envies them their jobs at this time. May the Good Lord protect them from getting the virus along the way.*