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The word of the year

Twinkling with Ninfa R. Leonardia

What is the word of the year? As far as Filipinos are concerned, I think it is no other then “vaccine” or “vaccination”. How often do you meet people who ask if you are willing to undergo it? I know I have mentioned in this column before that the President should lead by example and show photos of him undergoing it. As of now, I do not know if he has, but I saw him on TV challenging Vice President Leni Robredo to get vaccinated first. I think it was because she, like me, has also opined that the President should lead by example.


So, has he been vaccinated  already? If so, why is he so touchy about the subject? I hope he is  not one of those muscled and strong he-men who would wrestle with lions, but faint at the sight of a tiny needle about to pierce his skin! Anyway, it is no longer  a surprise when the President reacts to whatever his vice president says. It must be because of the saying that the vice president is just a breath away from the presidency. But a big and husky guy like Digong need not be intimidated by a slim and fragile-looking lady like Leni!


From the news you get from Manila, there seems to be a flurry of vaccinations and it looks as if people are losing their fear of it already. Now it seems to be fashionable to have gotten your shots, as if you are already among the “invincibles”. I suppose the time may come when one will be ashamed to admit not having been vaccinated, and feel like the lepers of Biblical times when others called out “Unclean! Unclean!” when they were approaching. This time  they might shout “Unvaccinated! Unvaccinated!”


I suppose it won’t be long until vaccinations also start in our cities, towns and province. And we  cowardswho get intimidated  by that tiny needle will have to brace ourselves for it if we do not want to become victims of the COVID, but transmitters of the virus ourselves. I am sure it won’t be long before vaccinations also start in our city and province, so let us brace ourselves for it and allay our fear of the needle by thinking of the sufferings we may have to undergo if COVID hits us, and we, in turn, pass it to others. So, condition yourself for that tiny prick that could save your life and those of others, too.


I heard that since the quantity of vaccines we are getting in still limited, health workers are being prioritized  for them. Indeed, they are the ones most exposed and vulnerable, while we ordinary citizens can still protect ourselves by keeping out of the way of those stricken. In other words, nothing like staying home as much of the time as you can, and being extra careful when you need to go out, and of the company you keep. I hope my conjecture is correct that the virus is losing its hold on our city and province. I also hope it is not only because I have been quite out of touch for some time now.


It is rather funny to think that even in their choices of which vaccine to submit to, a lot of people can still be very choosy. I heard of some who claim to be waiting for the Pfizer or the AstraZeneca and don’t  want the Sinovac because it comes from China. But China is where the virus originally came from, so their scientists and medical people must have put in extra effort and research to combat it. But  maybe they would submit to it if they have no other choice.


Why is President Duterte still touchy on the subject of Vice President Leni Robredo? I heard he is challenging her to be vaccinated because she supposedly suggested it for him. I guess it must be annoying for a he-man like him to think that it is a woman who is next in line to him. But he still seems hale and hearty, and has not been known to have medical problems lately. And the lady seem to be minding her own business and has never been known to be trying to steal his thunder. Don’t tell me a person like him has insecurities, too?


I heard that the Prime Minister of Hungary, the United Kingdom and Thailand have been vaccinated already. What I am waiting to hear is that President Joe Biden of the U.S. and President Digong Duterte of the Philippines have also undergone it. I am sure their constituents will also feel secure that their leaders have taken steps to protect themselves so they can serve them in good health throughout their terms. But I have yet to see, or at least, to know if President Duterte has taken such care of himself, too.*


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February 2025

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