We always have to take some risks in this life. It’s an unavoidable part of our life. And that’s simply because we always have to deal with many unknown variables and even pure mysteries in life, plus the fact that there are just so many things to consider that are often competing with each other as well as being so complex as to challenge our capabilities, and we would find it hard to cope with all of them.
And now that we are in some sort of new normal due to this Covid pandemic that is making drastic changes in the whole world, we have to contend with things that can be so new that we would not even realize that they have to be considered. We find ourselves in the dark.
This is where we really should try to remain calm and in strong grip of our emotions, especially our fears and worries, so that we can handle the situation better. We have to be wary of the danger of the negative reactions we can give to these new challenges, like falling into sadness, depression, self-pity and the like.
Of course, that calmness should not just be a psychological trick that we use, though it in itself is already helpful. Our calmness should be anchored on more solid ground which is nothing other than on our strong faith and hope in God’s providence.
Let’s remember that fears and worries would just make things worse for us. They are an unnecessary luggage to carry in our pursuit for what is prudent for us in these times. They are really a drag that can actually be avoided if we have the right attitude toward these new challenges.
What we should rather do is strengthen our faith such that it can give us always the impulse of hope and the assurance that whatever happens, everything will just work out for the good if we are with God.
Though we have to study the issues and problems well, making some consultations if necessary, and doing everything to make us feel that we have done our part to come out with a good decision, we know that we can still be wrong.
There are times when we ought to refrain from making a decision or a judgment about a certain issue. But in those other times when we ought to make a choice for one reason or another in spite of the tentativeness of our position, then we should be ready to take some risks.
The important thing is that we will always be with God. Our decisions and judgments may be wrong at the end, but at least, if we have done our part in studying things, then it would just be ok. We are not expected to be always right. Mistakes and misjudgments can always happen in spite of our best intentions and best efforts. At least, we can say that those mistakes and misjudgments were done in “bona fide,” in good faith.
We should just be sport and game in all of this, and try to learn the precious lessons we can derive from whatever experience we can have while taking some risks. It’s also important, that whatever happens, we should always try to remain at peace and cheerful, which is what we are meant for. The moment we lose our peace and joy, we are actually in trouble!*