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An eventful event

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This important epiphany came in the form of a powder puff of a dress worn by a VIP board member of French movie star-looks Patrick Litré’s think tank of over-the-top global autocrats.

This event would bring me inside an exclusive community that protects each member, properly tested and sealed with LOVE. 

Welcome to extremely rich upper class! It had all that I needed at this time of global uncertainty, post pandemic trauma state of being and the thought that nowhere is safe. As a citizen of the world, I suddenly felt connected and given stability that yes, there can be a protected environment.

Owen in linen and Maxine in a bare-midriff Filipiniana gown; middle, Karen Litre, deluxe service providers Hugo and mom Stephanie Fayolle; right, Provence market-theme booths paved the way to the fun event*
Our fav Swedish ex-model Charoline Olöfgors 20th century Scandi design specialist, Maxine holding a sprig of Provence lavender and Tokyo-based jeweler Joey Lorenzo in Issey Miyake pleats; middle, Provence food booth kept rolling out goodies all night; right, Chèvre cheese and my fav giant bolts of Bleu d’Ambert choked in golden raisins*

It’s an aura you bring to strangers, it comes from love. Yes, I was attending, at a spur-of-the-moment, the wedding of Maxime Litre and Owen Prunskis, two incredible beings out on an adventure that was just meant-to-be. 

With Superwoman mother of the bride Karen’s (who’s a “House of” Cancio heiress- Calma institutional design house of Manila and of course whose sis is Dr. Viki Bello…) introduction to me of the divine charmingly Bev Hills kinda wedding-event planner Stephanie Fayolle, I immediately expected an uber colorful fun purrrfect milestone.

Yes mes chéries adorables, from now on you will see my hair turn to distinguished grey. Like a puff of smoke…

First day’s event was a Provence market themed soirée. Young trees lined the pebbled main promenade to the chateau and under the shade were booths and pop ups offering cheese, bombons, slices of local charcuteries and regional fare which kept on changing until I really went crazy on the churros. And we must not forget the flowing drinks and nonstop finger food.

There was Madame de châtelaine Karen in a historique hystérique Azzedine Alia creation that blew my mind. She looked super cool, a prelude in this original buffet the caterer prepared. We were reassured fun was ahead.

Imani Franklin, Hayley Swarbrick, Matt Thomas, Maxine Litré, Gabrielle Lipton, Rob Franklin and Matthew Armstrong (l-r)*
Flower stall where guests could make their own bouquets, garlands, crowns or take home; middle, the interior courtyard of the chateau with the Linen groupie; right, Alexandra d’Aboville and Clement Rousselot*
Melissa Lopez and Marge Litré; right, vegetarian guests had fresh crudités lollipops*

Appears Melissa Lopez in a proper flowing sort of Galliano and I was with my GURLFRIENDS! Ahhh, u can’t imagine how that makes this brat feel in my newly adopted country.

No matter the brand, I’m still deeply rooted to safe and protected environments. Papá was a doctor who came out in Reader’s Digest having done an appendectomy with an onboard nurse on some ship far from land by Morse code… Mamá was the reckless one who made me crawl as a toddler on the floor, much to the consternation of an aunt wary of sanitary protocols as it was our father’s (Le Docteur Garcia) receiving area.

Social thread is that the groom’s father is a Lithuanian doctor, Dr. John Prunskis, too who successfully immigrated to the US and found great wealth in his practice together with his wife Dr. Terri Dallas Prunskis, an interventional pain specialist just like her husband! They’re another winning team. We must connect this social reportage on a team theme, although that get-to-know you soirée was strictly LINEN.

Then I got the drift, since Papá was always known to wear his starched linen whites even outside the clinic. He had so many patients, he hardly had time to change from the clinic to a party. And Mamá was his receptionist, first-aid assistant and x-Ray technician, forever the party girl who could dress up, hair and makeup in 15 minutes flat!

Yes, she’s a New Yorker, for sure. Of course, there was the yaya of my brother Philip if ever she had to inject. Soooo, we were being led to a deeper theme, A TEAM!*


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May 2024

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